Monday, November 8, 2010

Day number eight :: Dad

Oh, my crazy Dad.

Throughout my life, I was continually told that I was like my dad. To say the least - I was mortified. He was corny, sung obnoxiously and to top it off, bald. Just over the past year though was when I realized how great of a compliment it was for anyone to compare me to him. You see, my dad will drop everything - everything - to help someone out. Not to mention, when any person walks into our home they will for sure have left with eaten much more than they would have liked. My dad doesn't simply ask if they would like food, he force feeds them. Many times my siblings and I will get irritated with this, especially those mornings before heading off to High School and he would make us eat an array of food... which typically made us late to first hour. If we didn't eat it, he would be sure to put it in a baggie to eat on the way to school.

On top of his italian nature of food, he is one of the most reliable people I know. When he tells you he is going to do something, you can count on it. Not only can you be sure it will get done, but he will exceed your expectations on it as well. My dad is highly sensitive to detail and will make sure everything is done correctly.

The rare weekends that I am able to come home, he is typically either at my car to greet me when I arrive or at least at the door before I can even turn the knob. He greets me with a hug and every concern of his is completely on the back burner for those few moments.

Now when people tell me I am like my father, I take it as one of the greatest compliments. I hope to inherit even half of the fabulous attributes that my dad has.

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